The Best Weed Apps for the Colorado Consumer

The Best Weed Apps for the Colorado Consumer

Being a cannabis consumer in Colorado is definitely what the real estate industry would refer to as a buyer’s market. We can choose from hundreds of dispensaries who all carry countless different strains, products, devices, and ways to enjoy this wonderful plant. The...
3 Ways Quarantine Changed the Cannabis Industry

3 Ways Quarantine Changed the Cannabis Industry

Quarantine has changed a lot of things, the cannabis industry included. At the beginning of quarantine in the US, the cannabis industry was ramping up for 4/20, easily the biggest sales day of the year. With most states issuing executive orders in the beginning of...
Best Strains for Springtime Weather

Best Strains for Springtime Weather

Springtime….Strains When the chill of winter finally wears off and the warmth of spring shines through, it’s time to get outside and enjoy some of the best strains! If you didn’t know that there are strains perfectly made for spring, well now you do and we’re...

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Pueblo & Trinidad
Colorado Dispensary
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The Spot 420 is a Colorado recreational dispensary that operates in accordance with state laws regarding access to cannabis. You must be at least 21 years old in order to enter this site.
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