The Spot 420 Marijuana Topicals
Cannabis Topicals
Don’t like to smoke? Looking for another way to take advantage of the wonderful properties of THC? Try our THC Infused Topicals! We can provide the right topical for your needs. Our huge selection of topicals includes cannabis oils, cannabis lotions, cannabis relief balms and more! Check out our huge topical selection that beats any other recreational dispensary in Southern Colorado!
Cannabis lotions and other topical cannabis products are a great natural alternative to reduce aches and pains without smoking. Since the topicals don’t typically enter the blood stream, you can also enjoy the cannabis pain relief without getting seriously high. Cannabis lotion and other cannabis topicals can be rubbed on the skin to help relieve neuropathic pain, itchiness and other ailments.
Depending on the carrier oil used in formulating the body-care product, the cannabinoids penetrate deeply enough into the skin to relieve muscle pain and arthritis inflammation, but not so deep that THC enters the bloodstream or central nervous system. For this reason, it’s pretty tough to get seriously high off a lotion.
Come visit our recreational Colorado dispensary for all of your cannabis lotion and other cannabis topical needs.