It heals, it revives, and it can be all you need to help day-to-day BS roll off your back. The wonderful world of marijuana and its ever-growing popularity has gained some exciting momentum in recent years. Luckily, our generation has front row seats to the show. Grab your G-pen and pack your bowls, we’re about to hit some interesting marijuana facts you may not have known about your favorite plant.
3 Marijuana Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
Upgrade Your Movie Night
Upgrade your movie night – we’re talking popcorn. Well, “pot-corn” to be exact. That’s right, for centuries the Chinese have been serving up freshly toasted hemp seeds just like popcorn. Do we think it sounds deliciously dank? You butter believe it.
Turn Up the Heat in the Bedroom
Looking to turn the heat up in the bedroom? Smoking a joint with your significant other might be exactly what you need to spice up your romantic life. Marijuana has been rumored to be a sexual stimulant. In a past study, researchers from the University of Texas witnessed an immediate jump in testosterone 6 times the normal amount when male mice were exposed to THC. Papers? Yes please.
The Wonderful World of Hemp
Hemp, the term used often when referring to cannabis strains cultivated for industrial use, has some pretty amazing advantages we’re rooting for. Aside from being an awesome resource for textiles like rope, paper and fabric; it’s also been experimented with as a biofuel. That’s right, it creates a safer alternative to use with regular diesel engines. The best part? Fumes from the exhaust give off the oh-so pleasant hemp aroma. Filler-up please!
We’ve barely begun to scratch the surface of the advancements we’re sure to witness in the MMJ industry. In 1938, hemp was documented as the first “Billion Dollar Crop,” giving it the title of the only cash crop with a potential to exceed a billion dollars. These days, it’s quickly grown to a market worth billions, and one thing is clear… We’re witnessing hemp-history with these mind blowing marijuana facts, and it’s only going to get more interesting from here.