They’re sticky, they’re stinky and they’re ready to smoke – that’s right, we’re talking about that new batch of freshly cured buds you can’t wait to rip open. Can you imagine having that same sensory explosion of joy with the same batch of pot months down the road? It’s possible, and it’s all about how you store it. Protecting your precious pot from harmful elements like mold, humidity and exposure to light is up to you, and with the tips we’re about to serve, will be a puff in the park. Here’s how to store your sash.
How to Store Your Stash Like a Pro
Tinfoil, envelopes, plastic wrap – Do we even need to go here? Please. Just. Don’t.
A sandwich bag is no place for top shelf nugs. Besides the obvious lack of protection your trees receive, the bags aren’t airtight, so all of your yummy aromas are lost. Not only does your bag or purse smell skunky, you lose the natural flavors and potency that make toking on your favorite strain enjoyable.
We’ve heard a lot of people mention that storing your stash in the freezer or fridge is a good way to keep it fresh longer. Yeah, that’s going to be a negative – the freezer is actually the worse. The principles of refrigeration work on the basis of removing moisture, so putting items in the freezer will be guaranteed to strip moisture from your bud if using a non airtight container. Also, when weed is stored in temperatures that low, the trichomes begin to separate from your buds, and trust us when say, you don’t want that.
By now, you can probably guess that the most effective way to keep your bud fresh is to use an airtight jar with a solid seal. Yes, the same jar Grandma used to pickle her produce in is actually one of the best ways to properly store your pot. Choose the right size jar to accommodate your stash and remember, the more space in your jar, the more air you trap in and the faster your bud will dry out. Seal it up evenly and store in a dark cool place. One of the fastest ways your stash can lose its potency is getting too much exposure to light. Keeping your main stash in a cabinet or drawer is ideal for extending its quality and for your table stash – try a dark or opaque colored jar, they work perfect for smaller amounts that are left out in the open.
The Spot does offer and stock products that will store your product in an airtight manner and some that UV filter too.