Apr 1, 2019 | Uncategorized, Marijuana Seeds
Can You Make Sun Rocks or Moon Rocks At Home? There are two highly potent cannabis concoctions that everyone wants to get their hands on these days. It’s not clear dabs, or the strongest indica strain, or weed lotion…though all of those are popular too. This new...
Jan 14, 2019 | Marijuana Strains, Marijuana Education
What if you combined some of the most potent forms of cannabis together all at once? It may sound crazy, but this is exactly what people are referring to when they talk about “weed sun rocks vs moon rocks”. Even the most experienced of cannabis consumers are in for a...
Jul 21, 2017 | Marijuana News
There are all sorts of new cannabis products on the market, but there are few as potent as Moon Rock concentrates. Moon Rocks, known by a few names including cannabis caviar, pack a serious punch and are a must try for serious cannabis consumers and patients. What are...